November 23, 2011

fuzzy things

These days I avoid to go outside because it got so cold
but I still love it more then summer haha (︶▽︶)

The christmas market in our city opens tomorrow, although it's a very small one, I still enjoy the atmosphere★
I want to visit some christmas markets in bigger cities

some lovely things arrived these days
fuzzy hair ties and clips

airmail parcels from U.S.A always takes about 6 weeks to arrive in germany
I hate it (-_- )

& these super cute tights from Sweeticakes Shop, which I was really looking forward to be released

They are very soft and stretchy♪

aaand finally I made a new phone contract, so I can use my boyfriend's old Iphone (^∇^).
It was lost for half a year behind our wardrobe >_<
He bought himself a new Iphone,
so while I'm saving for my own new Iphone, I'll use this

3 Kommentare:

  1. Hihi in Finland (or in the Porvoo, where I live) we don`t have good christmas markets. It`s sad, but luckily some shops sell christmas things like christmas ornaments! I think, that the best christmas ornament shop in the Finland is awesome: Stockmann. Check out-->; The site is not so good, but there is at least cute cupcake ornaments! But still in the shop are many cute ornaments like cupcakes, lipsticks, animals, stars and all, they are super cute:,>!

    I love your tights<3!

  2. awwwww,these clips look soooooo lovelyyyyyyy *w*

  3. Heyy :) diese haar sachen sind ja mal süß *---* und diese mäppchen..ahh ich sterbe ;D Ich bin erst seit heute am bloggen und deswegen ist mein blog noch nicht so toll, aber ich arbeite dran :) wär so lieb wenn du vorbei schauen könntest. ich follow dir!
