Dezember 19, 2010

City covered in snow

It's snowing like crazy today
we have like 10-20cm of snow
like we really never had before!!!
so crazy☆

I took this picture during driving home :p You really can't drive fast because the streets are so icy!

I went eating waffles with my boyfriend today ♥
they were really delicious!

1. My ouftit from today
2. outfit from friday

Now I'm going outside enjoying the deep snow♡

3 Kommentare:

  1. We have here in Finland 50-100cm snow! Very, very grazy...

  2. oh my gosh i love your shoes XD you're a lolita 8D i find you so cute XD

    i followed your blog btw :D i hope you can follow mine too XD i'll be looking forward to your future posts :3

  3. aw was für ein süßer blog :>
    die waffeln shen richtig lecker aus *A* und deine outfits sind total süß (;
